Information About Vaccination’s
Note: Just because there has not been an outbreak of a certain disease (that you have heard of) does not mean that disease isn't still out there. You can bet it is and doing research (internet or you tube) into how certain disease will affect a person if they contract it is a very smart thing to do before making a decision NOT to vaccinate a child.
By Jalapeno Gal77 Via APN
So my next move was to go straight to the source. The CDC, also known as The Center For Disease Control. The following information I found on their website;
What You Should Know:
- Millions of doses of vaccines are administered to children in this country each year. Ensuring that those vaccines are potent, sterile, and safe requires the addition of minute amounts of chemical additives.
- Chemicals are added to vaccines to inactivate a virus or bacteria and stabilize the vaccine, helping to preserve the vaccine and prevent it from losing its potency over time.
- The amount of chemicals in vaccines is very small.
- All routinely recommended pediatric vaccines manufactures in the U.S. markets are available in formulations that contain no thimersol or only trace amounts.
- Suspending fluid (e.g. sterile water, saline, or fluids containing protein)
- Preservatives and stabilizers to help the vaccine remain unchanged. (e.g. albumin, phenols, and glycine)
- Adjuvants or enhancers to help the vaccine be more effective.
- Aluminum gels or salts of aluminum which are added as adjuvants to help the vaccine stimulate a better response. Adjuvants help promote an earlier, more potent response, and more persistent immune response to the vaccine. See also, “Aluminum in Vaccines: What you should know.”
- Antibiotics which are added to some vaccines to prevent the growth of gems (bacteria) during the production and storage of the vaccine. No vaccine in the U.S. contains penicillin.
- Egg Protein is found in influenza and yellow fever vaccines, which are prepared using chicken eggs. Ordinarily, persons who are able to eat eggs or egg products safely can receive these vaccines.
- Formaldehyde is used to inactivate bacterial products for toxoid vaccines, (these are vaccines that use an inactive bacterial toxin to produce immunity.) It is also used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria that might contaminate the vaccine during production. Most formaldehyde is removed from the vaccine before it is ever packaged.
- MonoSodium Glutamate (MSG) and 2-phenoxy-ethanol which are used as stabilizers in a few vaccines to help the vaccine remain unchanged when the vaccine is exposed to heat, light, acidity, or humidity.
- Thimerosal is a mercury-containing a preservative that is added to vials of vaccines that contain more than one dose to prevent contamination and growth of potentially harmful bacteria.
Pediatrics Review addressing parents concerns about vaccinations.
Vaccine Safety: Misinformation about vaccinations can often cause parents to become confused about whether or not they should vaccinate their children. According to the CDC,
Vaccination is a common, memorable event, and association of events in time often signals cause and effect. While some of the sickness or reactions that follow vaccination may be caused by the vaccine, many are unrelated events that occur by coincidence after vaccination. Therefore, the scientific research that attempts to distinguish true vaccine adverse events from unrelated, chance occurrence is important.Vaccine Safety and adverse events.
Basic and common questions about vaccines.
Vaccine Ingredients sorted by vaccine.
Vaccines for specific groups of people.
Vaccines and Preventable Disease.
Vaccine Safety and Emergency Preparedness.
Questions about MMRV Vaccination we give our children.
RotaVirus Vaccine (A MUST READ on why it was discontinued)
Possible side affects from listed vaccines.
Sudden Infant Death and Vaccines.
My conclusion: There are always going to be risks involved when it comes to giving our children medications or vaccinations. It is up to us as parents to research the things that are being suggested to us to give to them and decide if the risk outweigh the end results should our children contract one of the diseases we are trying to prevent. We should never listen to only one source before making a decision that could be fatal, but we should always use our common sense and maternal instincts. I hope that these resources will help you become better informed about what we give our children and encourage you to dig deeper on your own.
Keepin It Spicy,
Jalapeño Gal
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