Light It Up! Lamps, Lanterns, Flashlights and more
Guest Article By the nature nurd -via APN
Inside Lighting

We are going to make the assumption something has happened and the power grid is off either temporarily or perhaps long-term. Obviously the usual flipping of the switch may not work in this case. Hopefully you have stashed some alternative light sources in your prepping supplies just in case this exact scenario happened.
Growing up in small town East Texas, I can remember having storm lamps that ran off kerosene on my parents mantel above their fireplace. We only burned these a couple of times growing up when the power was off for more than a few hours. If you have storm lamps of this nature remember two things: keep them in safe location so they wont get knocked over and start a fire, and allow for plenty of ventilation. You don’t want to smoother yourself with too much carbon monoxide! These lamps generally work well, but are of course limited by how much fuel you have on hand. Store any liquid fuel sources in a safe location such as a storage building outside or garage to keep separate from the lamps itself.
In our home we have an emergency flashlight plugged into an outlet that keeps it charged at all times just in case we need it. All of our rooms except the bathrooms have at least one flashlight in them in an easily accessible location. These come in handy for power outages, home defense situations, etc.
Almost all of our flashlights run off an LED bulb. These bulbs tend to last longer, burn brighter, and respond to abuse a little better than conventional bulbs. Also they tend to use less batteries.
Speaking of batteries, make sure you store plenty of extras in dry cool location. We have a couple hundred of various sizes put up. Later in the article I will talk about flashlights in an outdoor setting as tactics are a little different there. A good one we have is the Nebo 8 LED Black Tactical Light, but many others are available out there also.
Another valid light source is candles. My wife loves candles and collected them long before we became preppers so we probably have hundreds in various locations throughout our home. With candles, again be careful to guard against fires. Most candles do not put out a large amount of light, but the trade-off is long burn times and no adverse effects from weather. Candles also have their use outside which we will discuss later.
Outside Lighting
Many choices abound for outdoor lighting such as: fires, camping lanterns, flashlights (again!), and others. Lets talk about fire first. Fires are valuable for a multitude of things like: cooking, heat, and of course light. Before lighting your fire make sure you have a way to contain or at least reduce its spread. The usage of a fire ring might be practical depending upon your location. If a fire ring is not available make sure the area is clear of flammable materials such as branches, grass, leaves, etc. where you are going to build your fire. Fires can be started multiple ways besides matches or a lighter. Make sure you practice using alternative methods to start your fire such as the Ultimate Survival Technologies Mini Sparkie. Also keep in mind smoke and the fire itself may attract others you may not want around so only build a fire big enough for your needs. Firewood right now is plentiful in most places. Start stocking up now!

Camping Lanterns run on different types of fuels.
kerosene, or even regular gas or diesel. We
have picked up a few propane lanterns and are storing up propane
canisters as propane seems to be the best option for us. Propane
canisters are generally quite inexpensive and can provide many hours of
light from your lantern depending on the settings. A good propane
lantern is Coleman’s Single Mantle.

Hopefully with this article I have brought you to the light and helped you realize some of the choices available out there. Continue to do your own research to find what is right for you and your family. Please comment below and read my other articles! Happy Prepping!
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